At least three out of every 10 workers between the ages of 25 and 65 will suffer an injury or illness that will leave them unable to work for three months or more.
Roughly 60 percent of
Long-Term Disability injuries occur when an individual is not working or illnesses occur that are not due to work. Worker's Compensation will not help them since they were not injured as a result of their job. A Long-Term Disability plan can help the injured or ill employee receive a portion of their salary while they are unable to earn a living.
Usually, a Long Term Disability policy will apply after the employee's Short-Tent Disability insurance has expired. Individuals receiving Long-Term Disability insurance should expect to receive a percentage of their salary paid monthly starting anywhere from 90 to 180 days after the occurrence.
Long-Term Disability Benefits
Social Security Disability benefits will typically replace 25 to 30 percent of an injured worker's income, perhaps less, particularly at higher income levels. However, Social Security Disability benefits may not be payable if the worker was disabled from performing their job but not from performing any work Long-Term Disability benefits can be an important supplement to Social Security Disability benefits or provide benefits not otherwise available.
Long-Term Disability coverage or plans can be purchased individually, through a private policy, or are usually obtained as an employee benefit through your employer. If provided as a benefit by your employer, these claims are governed by federal law, The Employee Retirement Income Security Act, also known as ERISA. These disability policies come in many forms. They can replace from 50 to 70 percent of a worker's salary.
Having a Skilled Lawyer Is Essential
ERISA accords significant advantages to the employer or insurer. These cases are heard in Federal Court. You are not entitled to a jury trial. It is CRITICAL to get experienced legal help early in the process, before your administrative appeals are exhausted, not after.
The only weapon you have to fight back is a skilled disability lawyer, such those from Provizer & Phillips Their experienced lawyers can obtain detailed medical depositions and opinions from your doctors and others, not just routine medical records, to neutralize and outweigh the plan's evidence.
Provizer & Phillips Has Recovered Millions! No Fee Unless You Collect!
Provizer & Phillips has the experience, expertise and winning record to help you obtain the benefits you have worked for, contributed to, and deserve. We have successfully obtained benefits for Social Security Disability and Long-Term Disability in most cases, recovering millions of dollars for our clients.
Call Provizer & Phillips today at
248-642-0444 for your
free consultation on Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income, Long-Term Disability, and ERISA claims.